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Vegan parmesan biscuits

Updated: Oct 14, 2022

120g flour (80g Damin a 40g Mevalia)

60g vegan parmesan

60g soft butter

60g vegan sour cream planton

3g baking powder

You will get around 200g baked biscuits.

Total phe calculation for 200g biscuits: 44.64 mg

Vegan parmesan and vegan sour cream used in this recipe:

  1. Mix all ingredients and make a dough (dough consistency below):

2. Model shapes of biscuits of your choice, they can also be just simple flat parmesan sticks.

3. Lightly brush with water before baking. Bake at a temperature of 180 degrees upper and lower heating until golden brown - depending on the thickness of the dough, these were baked for about 15-20 minutes.


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