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  • Writer's picturePKU Magic

Potato Lokše

Updated: Nov 23, 2023


Boiled potatoes: 250g (252.5mg phe)

Mevalia flour: 100g (17mg phe)

Nutricia Bread Mix: 100g (7mg Phe)

Cold water (cca 30-40ml)

1 tea spoon of a sour cream :10g (15mg phe) - sour cream I have used in this recipe had 3g protein/100g

1 tea spoon of a salt

Total weight of baked potato lokse will be around 400g


1. We will mix all ingredients and create a dough.

2. Then, we will cut the dough into the pieces of a similar size and make the balls.

3. Roll out all the balls to the thin 'pancakes' shape.

4. Bake potato lokse on a pan until golden (pic below):



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