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  • Writer's picturePKU Magic

Potato dumplings filled with fruits


200g lowprotein flour

200g boiled potato

pinch of salt


water (depends on the dough consistency, I have used around 30-50ml)

Topping of your choice

examples of toppings:

2g poppy seeds + icing sugar= 20mg phe

2g crushed walnuts + icing sugar = 16mg phe

lowprotein breadcrumbs + icing sugar

5g cocoa Granko (Slovak brand) + icing sugar= 11,75 mg phe

Total weight of cooked dumplings depends on the fruits used. In this recipe, total weight was 700g - phe calculation per gram- 0.432 / 1 gram.

  1. Boil the potatoes in their skin, cool them, peel them and make a mashed potatoes with a fork or a potato masher.

  2. Add flour, salt, and start kneating process. Add little bit of water as it will help get the right doungh consistency.

  3. Dough consistency in the picture below:

4. After filling the dumplings, let them boil and when they are cooked they will float to the surface.

5. Method below:

6. Add butter and your favourite topping and bon appetit :)


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