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  • Writer's picturePKU Magic


Updated: Feb 4, 2023


300g Damin flour

20g fresh yeast

warm watter (100ml or more- based on a dough consistency)

1 tea spoon of salt

1 tea spoon of sugar

1 table spoon of oil

1 tea spoon of baking powder

20g sour cream (best is vegan brand Planton)

From 300 g flour you will get 6-7 pieces of langoš, total weight is 490g . Calculation of phe is 0.3408 per gram.

One 80g langoš is therefore 27mg phe.

  1. First of all, we wil start with mixing fresh yeast with 1 tea spoon of sugar and 40 ml of warm water. In the second bowl, we will mix the rest of the ingredients.

2. Then, we will mix everything using a hand mixer.

3. Dough has to rest and rise for about 1 hour to double the size.

4. After the proofing process we place the dough on a floured board and form a pretty smooth dough.

5. We cut the dough into smaller pieces and shape the balls. Then roll each ball to the desired shape of langos.

6. Fry one langoš at a time for about 2 minutes per side or until golden. Drain on paper towels. Serve hot, rubbed with a cut garlic clove and sprinkled with salt to taste.

Bon Apettit :)


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