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  • Writer's picturePKU Magic


Foccacia dough requires a lot of work when kneading it.


100g Mevalia flour (17mg)

100g Damin flour (7mg)

50g All purpose flour (260mg) I have used Slovak brand that has 10g protein/100g

3.5g dried yeast (84mg)

8g salt

163ml warm water

Olive oil

Total weight of baked Foccacia: 437g foccacia (368mg phe)

  1. We start by mixing 50ml of warm water and dried yeast.

  2. In the second bowl, mix rest of the ingredients. Add 1 table spoon of olive oil.

  3. Add yeast to the bowl with all ingredients and start mixing it with a table spoon until it gets difficult to continue. Then start kneating a dough with hands.

  4. The process of kneating takes about ť minutes until it gets to the desired consistency - picture below:

5. Leave a dough to rise for about 45 minutes, max 1 hour.

6. Dough will double the size.

7. After fermentation, pour the olive oil into the baking pan and place the dough there and pour olive oil over it. Then push your fingers all over the surface of the dough and properly squeeze.

8. After this process of squeezing the dough with your fingers, add whatever topping you´d like- fresh tomatoes, fresh tomatoes, olives, thyme... My daughter only wants olives and thyme so that´s why I have chosen this combination.

9. After adding your topping, cover the dough and let it ferment for another 45 minutes-1 hour, when it will double the size again. Sprinkle with sea or Himalayan salt before placing in the oven.

10. Bake at a temperature of 200 degrees for the first 15 minutes at the program upper and lower heating and 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 220 degrees at the program hot air heating.

Bon Apetit:)


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