50g margarine
220ml ProZero/LP drink
2 table spoons of oil
180g Mevalia
100g caster sugar
1 tea spoon of baking powder
1/2 tea spoon of salt
1 tea spoon of Psyllium husk
little bit of vanilla essence
2 quail eggs
vegan chocolate Ichoc and Violife cocospread
Pre-heat a deep fat fryer with oil.
Place the margarine, ProZero and oil in small sauce pan, over a medium heat. Heat until the margarine has melted.
Place low-protein flour, caster sugar, baking powder, salt, psyllium husk and vanilla essence in a mixing bowl.
Mix the melted mixture from the pan with the dry ingredients in the mixing bowl to form a batter.
Let it cool down.
Add 2 quail eggs and mix it well.
7. Using a spatula, place the batter into a piping bag.
8. Scissors will help us in slicing the dough when squeezing the bag.
9. Fry until golden brown.
10. Remove with a slotted spoon and place on kitchen roll to drain excess oil, and roll in cinnamon sugar while still warm.